Qiblal Direction | 61.2 |
Location | Plantation of Pleasant Ridge, United States |
Time now | 09:18 PM |
Date | 2024-12-12 |
Distance between Plantation of Pleasant Ridge and Mecca | 9,777,26 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 45.1, -69.98 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Somerset | 61.2 | 9,753,66 km |
Kennebec | 61.3 | 9,799,45 km |
Oxford | 60.7 | 9,863,24 km |
Waldo | 61.8 | 9,750,37 km |
Piscataquis | 61.7 | 9,690,46 km |
Androscoggin | 61.0 | 9,843,12 km |
Penobscot | 62.1 | 9,669,73 km |
Coos | 60.3 | 9,890,65 km |
Lincoln | 61.5 | 9,804,43 km |
Knox | 61.8 | 9,772,19 km |
Sagadahoc | 61.3 | 9,831,05 km |
Hancock | 62.3 | 9,693,55 km |