Qiblal Direction | 54.1 |
Location | Brentwood, Canada |
Time now | 11:16 AM |
Date | 2024-12-22 |
Distance between Brentwood and Mecca | 10,487,03 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 44.33, -79.93 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Dufferin County | 53.9 | 10,523,75 km |
York | 54.5 | 10,478,38 km |
Grey County | 53.5 | 10,539,44 km |
Peel | 54.3 | 10,515,20 km |
Wellington County | 53.8 | 10,556,31 km |
Durham | 54.8 | 10,435,11 km |
Toronto | 54.5 | 10,495,54 km |
Kawartha Lakes | 54.9 | 10,399,76 km |
Halton | 54.2 | 10,537,97 km |
District Municipality of Muskoka | 54.4 | 10,405,11 km |
Waterloo | 53.8 | 10,578,21 km |
Bruce County | 53.2 | 10,560,24 km |