Qibla direction from Burdett

Qiblal Direction 27.4
Location Burdett, Canada
Time now 05:48 PM
Date 2025-03-08
Distance between Burdett and Mecca 11,602,72 km
Latitude, Longitude 49.83, -111.52
Qibal in Burdett using map
Qibla in nearby cities
City Qiblal Direction Distance
Foremost 27.5 11,635,28 km
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County of Forty Mile No. 8 27.8 11,621,33 km
Taber 26.9 11,626,52 km
Vauxhall 26.9 11,598,23 km
Barnwell 26.8 11,634,02 km
Redcliff 28.1 11,554,15 km
Cypress County 28.2 11,570,45 km
Medicine Hat 28.2 11,554,17 km
County of Warner No. 5 27.0 11,677,07 km
Warner 26.9 11,679,55 km
Coaldale 26.4 11,648,86 km