Qiblal Direction | 56.1 |
Location | Glenfield, Canada |
Time now | 11:13 PM |
Date | 2024-12-12 |
Distance between Glenfield and Mecca | 10,258,59 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 45.12, -77.18 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Hastings County | 55.8 | 10,313,33 km |
Frontenac County | 56.4 | 10,258,37 km |
Lanark County | 56.7 | 10,205,45 km |
Lennox and Addington County | 56.3 | 10,285,12 km |
Haliburton County | 55.1 | 10,341,06 km |
Peterborough County | 55.4 | 10,363,96 km |
Ottawa | 57.2 | 10,143,42 km |
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville | 57.2 | 10,176,63 km |
Northumberland County | 55.6 | 10,371,76 km |
Prince Edward County | 56.1 | 10,332,61 km |
Kawartha Lakes | 54.9 | 10,399,76 km |
Outaouais | 56.7 | 10,132,14 km |