Qiblal Direction | 26.3 |
Location | Magrath, Canada |
Time now | 08:10 PM |
Date | 2024-12-12 |
Distance between Magrath and Mecca | 11,687,30 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 49.42, -112.87 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Raymond | 26.4 | 11,676,21 km |
Stirling | 26.6 | 11,668,16 km |
Cardston County | 26.0 | 11,711,11 km |
Lethbridge | 26.2 | 11,659,78 km |
Coalhurst | 26.2 | 11,656,87 km |
Coaldale | 26.4 | 11,648,86 km |
Cardston | 25.9 | 11,724,05 km |
County of Lethbridge No. 26 | 26.3 | 11,644,34 km |
Glenwood | 25.7 | 11,713,19 km |
Warner | 26.9 | 11,679,55 km |
Picture Butte | 26.3 | 11,639,25 km |
Fort Macleod | 25.7 | 11,674,03 km |