Qiblal Direction | 52.1 |
Location | Manitoulin District, Canada |
Time now | 04:37 AM |
Date | 2024-12-18 |
Distance between Manitoulin District and Mecca | 10,553,91 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 45.75, -82.5 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Greater Sudbury | 53.2 | 10,411,40 km |
Sudbury District | 52.4 | 10,427,24 km |
Bruce County | 53.2 | 10,560,24 km |
Parry Sound District | 54.1 | 10,388,34 km |
Grey County | 53.5 | 10,539,44 km |
District Municipality of Muskoka | 54.4 | 10,405,11 km |
Huron County | 53.0 | 10,631,84 km |
Dufferin County | 53.9 | 10,523,75 km |
Simcoe County | 54.2 | 10,475,12 km |
Wellington County | 53.8 | 10,556,31 km |
Nipissing District | 54.7 | 10,319,69 km |
Perth County | 53.4 | 10,616,07 km |