Qibla direction from Montcalm

Qiblal Direction 58.0
Location Montcalm, Canada
Time now 03:48 PM
Date 2025-03-10
Distance between Montcalm and Mecca 10,032,07 km
Latitude, Longitude 45.97, -74.5
Qibal in Montcalm using map
Qibla in nearby cities
City Qiblal Direction Distance
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United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry 57.9 10,085,47 km
Montréal 58.6 10,005,52 km
Prescott and Russell 57.5 10,114,11 km
Lanaudière 58.5 9,941,91 km
Ottawa 57.2 10,143,42 km
Montérégie 59.0 9,973,30 km
Outaouais 56.7 10,132,14 km
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville 57.2 10,176,63 km
Lanark County 56.7 10,205,45 km
Mauricie 58.8 9,869,71 km
Centre-du-Québec 59.8 9,862,65 km