Qibla direction from Arrondissement of Gap

Qiblal Direction 118.7
Location Arrondissement of Gap, France
Time now 10:55 AM
Date 2024-11-26
Distance between Arrondissement of Gap and Mecca 4,022,25 km
Latitude, Longitude 44.6, 6.02
Qibal in Arrondissement of Gap using map
Qibla in nearby cities
City Qiblal Direction Distance
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Savoy 120.2 4,037,85 km
Alpes-Maritimes 119.2 3,902,75 km
Bouches-du-Rhône 116.7 4,008,83 km
Var 117.6 3,943,29 km
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Upper Savoy 120.9 4,073,52 km