Qibla direction from Cellatica

Qiblal Direction 125.0
Location Cellatica, Italy
Time now 01:41 PM
Date 2025-03-12
Distance between Cellatica and Mecca 3,802,09 km
Latitude, Longitude 45.58, 10.18
Qibal in Cellatica using map
Qibla in nearby cities
City Qiblal Direction Distance
Province of Bergamo 124.8 3,842,40 km
Province of Cremona 124.2 3,796,04 km
Province of Lodi 123.8 3,826,22 km
Province of Mantua 125.3 3,737,10 km
Province of Lecco 124.3 3,869,86 km
Province of Verona 125.9 3,737,38 km
Province of Sondrio 125.4 3,857,15 km
Monza Brianza 123.8 3,865,04 km
Milan 123.5 3,860,68 km
Province of Como 124.1 3,888,41 km
Province of Piacenza 123.4 3,797,24 km
Province of Trente 126.8 3,774,90 km