Qiblal Direction |
126.4 |
Location |
Colli del Tronto, Italy |
Time now |
03:15 AM |
Date |
2024-12-05 |
Distance between Colli del Tronto and Mecca |
3,396,00 km |
Latitude, Longitude |
42.88, 13.75 |
City |
Qiblal Direction |
Distance |
Province of Teramo |
126.0 |
3,385,30 km |
Province of Fermo |
126.7 |
3,416,57 km |
Province of Macerata |
126.0 |
3,455,27 km |
Province of Pescara |
125.9 |
3,346,94 km |
Province of Rieti |
124.6 |
3,417,71 km |
Province of L'Aquila |
125.1 |
3,349,78 km |
Province of Ancona |
126.4 |
3,478,26 km |
Province of Chieti |
126.2 |
3,306,13 km |
Province of Perugia |
124.9 |
3,486,36 km |
Province of Terni |
124.1 |
3,478,92 km |
Pesaro and Urbino |
125.9 |
3,520,58 km |
Rome |
123.6 |
3,410,63 km |