Qibla direction from Ottone

Qiblal Direction 122.7
Location Ottone, Italy
Time now 04:04 AM
Date 2025-03-09
Distance between Ottone and Mecca 3,798,04 km
Latitude, Longitude 44.62, 9.33
Qibal in Ottone using map
Qibla in nearby cities
City Qiblal Direction Distance
Province of Piacenza 123.4 3,797,24 km
Province of La Spezia 122.7 3,751,09 km
Province of Alessandria 122.2 3,851,78 km
Province of Pavia 123.1 3,841,05 km
Province of Parma 123.8 3,753,09 km
Province of Massa-Carrara 123.2 3,727,70 km
Province of Lodi 123.8 3,826,22 km
Province of Cremona 124.2 3,796,04 km
Province of Savona 121.0 3,850,95 km
Milan 123.5 3,860,68 km
Province of Asti 121.6 3,893,34 km
Province of Reggio Emilia 124.4 3,712,96 km