Qibla direction from Recale

Qiblal Direction 124.6
Location Recale, Italy
Time now 05:29 PM
Date 2025-03-06
Distance between Recale and Mecca 3,241,52 km
Latitude, Longitude 41.06, 14.3
Qibal in Recale using map
Qibla in nearby cities
City Qiblal Direction Distance
Province of Caserta 124.6 3,261,65 km
Province of Benevento 125.4 3,220,97 km
Province of Isernia 125.4 3,283,60 km
Province of Avellino 125.7 3,178,29 km
Province of Campobasso 126.2 3,251,55 km
Province of Frosinone 124.2 3,335,03 km
Province of Salerno 125.0 3,135,95 km
Provincia di Foggia 126.9 3,183,17 km
Province of Chieti 126.2 3,306,13 km
Provincia di Latina 123.2 3,363,33 km
Province of L'Aquila 125.1 3,349,78 km
Province of Pescara 125.9 3,346,94 km