Qiblal Direction | 127.2 |
Location | San Giorgio delle Pertiche, Italy |
Time now | 08:30 PM |
Date | 2024-12-04 |
Distance between San Giorgio delle Pertiche and Mecca | 3,691,90 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 45.54, 11.89 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Venice | 127.7 | 3,658,17 km |
Province of Vicenza | 126.8 | 3,727,71 km |
Province of Treviso | 128.0 | 3,691,70 km |
Province of Rovigo | 126.5 | 3,661,65 km |
Province of Verona | 125.9 | 3,737,38 km |
Province of Belluno | 128.4 | 3,725,41 km |
Province of Ferrara | 126.2 | 3,646,26 km |
Province of Trente | 126.8 | 3,774,90 km |
Province of Pordenone | 129.0 | 3,681,66 km |
Province of Mantua | 125.3 | 3,737,10 km |
Udine | 129.7 | 3,656,99 km |
Province of Brescia | 125.3 | 3,800,30 km |