Qiblal Direction | 263.4 |
Location | Ashal, Pakistan |
Time now | 07:39 PM |
Date | 2024-12-27 |
Distance between Ashal and Mecca | 2,550,33 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 26.12, 64.4 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Awārān | 263.9 | 2,653,56 km |
Kech | 262.7 | 2,421,09 km |
Gwādar | 264.3 | 2,420,32 km |
Wāshuk | 259.7 | 2,586,79 km |
Lasbela | 265.5 | 2,766,02 km |
Khuzdār | 261.9 | 2,785,09 km |
District of West Karachi | 267.6 | 2,786,58 km |
Khārān District | 258.7 | 2,704,00 km |
Karachi Central District | 267.6 | 2,807,44 km |