Qiblal Direction | 56.6 |
Location | Borough of Berrysburg, United States |
Time now | 10:26 AM |
Date | 2024-12-18 |
Distance between Borough of Berrysburg and Mecca | 10,512,09 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 40.6, -76.81 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Snyder | 56.4 | 10,519,96 km |
Northumberland | 56.6 | 10,489,59 km |
Lebanon | 56.8 | 10,501,39 km |
Perry | 56.3 | 10,556,35 km |
Union | 56.4 | 10,507,52 km |
Montour | 56.7 | 10,475,28 km |
Juniata | 56.2 | 10,557,99 km |
Schuylkill | 57.0 | 10,463,72 km |
Columbia | 56.8 | 10,456,24 km |
Cumberland | 56.3 | 10,571,07 km |
Mifflin | 56.0 | 10,568,14 km |
York | 56.7 | 10,547,76 km |