Qiblal Direction | 58.5 |
Location | Borough of Closter, United States |
Time now | 08:49 AM |
Date | 2024-12-22 |
Distance between Borough of Closter and Mecca | 10,287,56 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 40.97, -73.96 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Bronx County | 58.5 | 10,293,24 km |
Rockland | 58.5 | 10,281,54 km |
New York | 58.5 | 10,299,64 km |
Westchester | 58.6 | 10,262,26 km |
Hudson | 58.4 | 10,309,77 km |
Passaic | 58.3 | 10,308,17 km |
Essex | 58.3 | 10,318,76 km |
Queens | 58.6 | 10,296,99 km |
Kings | 58.5 | 10,306,35 km |
Nassau | 58.8 | 10,274,43 km |
Union | 58.3 | 10,330,62 km |
Richmond | 58.4 | 10,323,66 km |