Qiblal Direction | 44.2 |
Location | City of Shiner, United States |
Time now | 04:27 PM |
Date | 2024-12-18 |
Distance between City of Shiner and Mecca | 12,722,63 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 29.43, -97.17 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Gonzales | 44.0 | 12,742,22 km |
DeWitt | 44.2 | 12,762,99 km |
Fayette | 44.3 | 12,670,17 km |
Caldwell | 43.7 | 12,720,25 km |
Colorado | 44.6 | 12,663,88 km |
Victoria | 44.6 | 12,759,49 km |
Bastrop | 43.9 | 12,678,33 km |
Guadalupe | 43.6 | 12,762,59 km |
Jackson | 44.8 | 12,720,04 km |
Karnes | 43.8 | 12,811,06 km |
Goliad | 44.3 | 12,801,59 km |
Wilson | 43.6 | 12,804,76 km |