Qiblal Direction | 58.8 |
Location | Town of Kent, United States |
Time now | 10:06 AM |
Date | 2024-12-19 |
Distance between Town of Kent and Mecca | 10,207,25 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 41.73, -73.45 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Dutchess | 58.6 | 10,225,99 km |
Naugatuck Valley | 59.1 | 10,193,21 km |
Putnam | 58.6 | 10,246,06 km |
Western Connecticut | 58.8 | 10,230,31 km |
Connecticut Metropolitan | 59.0 | 10,219,64 km |
Columbia | 58.7 | 10,190,11 km |
South Central Regional | 59.2 | 10,185,11 km |
Westchester | 58.6 | 10,262,26 km |
Ulster | 58.3 | 10,255,24 km |
Capitol Region | 59.4 | 10,139,73 km |
Berkshire | 59.0 | 10,153,23 km |
Orange | 58.3 | 10,286,99 km |