Qiblal Direction | 59.4 |
Location | Town of Windsor Locks, United States |
Time now | 08:48 PM |
Date | 2024-11-30 |
Distance between Town of Windsor Locks and Mecca | 10,138,96 km |
Latitude, Longitude | 41.93, -72.65 |
City | Qiblal Direction | Distance |
Hampden | 59.4 | 10,126,04 km |
Hampshire | 59.3 | 10,116,69 km |
Northwest Hills | 59.0 | 10,184,32 km |
Lower Connecticut River Valley | 59.5 | 10,155,91 km |
Northeastern Connecticut | 59.8 | 10,096,71 km |
Naugatuck Valley | 59.1 | 10,193,21 km |
South Central Regional | 59.2 | 10,185,11 km |
Southeastern Connecticut | 59.7 | 10,123,67 km |
Berkshire | 59.0 | 10,153,23 km |
Franklin | 59.4 | 10,097,85 km |
Worcester | 59.9 | 10,062,47 km |
Columbia | 58.7 | 10,190,11 km |